Web Design
I've been intrigued with the web since I was in college. The first website I made was for my band Accident Clearinghouse in 1995. I've made a few others since then.
Tranberry.com is the first website I've made that uses CSS entirely for layout.
- JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: A great JavaScript reference guide by David Flanagan.
- W3C - CSS Validation
- A List Apart - For people who make websites.
- CSS Zen Garden - Know the power of CSS.
- Simple Bits - Probably the one of the sharpest guys in the the web design world.
- Mezzoblue - A semidaily expository and exploratory on all things web, design, and typographic.
- Jeffrey Zledman - Jeffrey Zeldman is among the best known web designers in the world.
- Chopping Block - Good Design.
- Hillman Curtis - Making the invisible visible.
- Web Standards Solutions: The Markup and Style Handbook by Dan Cederholm
- Bulletproof Web Design : Improving flexibility and protecting against worst-case scenarios with XHTML and CSS by Dan Cederholm
- The Zen of CSS Design : Visual Enlightenment for the Web by Dave Shea
- DOM Scripting - Tips on marrying together XHTML, CSS and JavaScript, for adding dynamic effects and manipulating structure on the fly using the Document Object Mode, to create usable, standards-compliant web designs.
I use Golive for the site management of most of my websites because it dove-tails well with the other tools I use: Photoshop and ImageReady.
- GoLive 6 Magic - An old but great GoLive book.
- Adobe GoLive CS2 Tips and Tricks - by Adam Pratt, Lynn Grillo
- Adobe GoLive CS2 Classroom in a Book - Always a good place to start if you're new to GoLive
BBedit is great text editor for the mac.